Friday, April 1, 2011

What is the best course to take now? Computer scientists and programmers

But engineers are in high demand abroad and a good number of OFWs are highly paid skilled engineers. Then again, not all engineers are created equal. There are also some types of engineers more in demand atcertain times than others. It seems that these days, it is all about computer engineering.

As for salaries, NYT reports that “Google is paying computer science majors just out of college $90,000 to $105,000, as much as $20,000 more than it was paying a few months ago. That is so far above the industry average of $80,000 that start-ups cannot match Google salaries.”
The Times continues: “…the shortage of qualified engineers has grown acute in the last six months… Nationwide unemployment among computer scientists and programmers is higher than in other white-collar professions – around five percent… But even with a glut of engineers on the job market, few have the skills that tech companies look for, said Cadir Lee, chief technology officer at Zynga.

“Colleges rarely teach the newer programming languages like PHP, Ruby and Python, which have become more popular at young Web companies than older ones like Java, he said. Other skills, like working with large amounts of data and analytics, can be acquired only at a few companies.”

As for salaries, NYT reports that “Google is paying computer science majors just out of college $90,000 to $105,000, as much as $20,000 more than it was paying a few months ago. That is so far above the industry average of $80,000 that start-ups cannot match Google salaries.”
The Times continues: “…the shortage of qualified engineers has grown acute in the last six months… Nationwide unemployment among computer scientists and programmers is higher than in other white-collar professions – around five percent… But even with a glut of engineers on the job market, few have the skills that tech companies look for, said Cadir Lee, chief technology officer at Zynga.

“Colleges rarely teach the newer programming languages like PHP, Ruby and Python, which have become more popular at young Web companies than older ones like Java, he said. Other skills, like working with large amounts of data and analytics, can be acquired only at a few companies.”